Sunday, June 26, 2016

To the Unbeliever

To the unbeliever,

I write this with a broken and heavy heart. I think many believers may agree with me, but I want to personally take responsibility. Many times people generalize their thoughts and by doing that, aren’t claiming responsibility themselves... I want to start by apologizing. I am sorry for not unconditionally loving and accepting you where you are, as Jesus did. I am sorry that as soon as I find out you are not a believer; I automatically categorize you in a different group, and subconsciously judge your actions. Most of all, I am sorry that I claim to be a believer, but reflect Jesus poorly. You deserve to see who Jesus is in a better light. Jesus deserves to be reflected in a better light.

Jesus didn’t call me to choose who to love or accept and I have no right or responsibility to judge you, because guess what, I may be more of a mess than you, I’m just ashamed to show it and am better at hiding it. Maybe that’s the reason why you are turned off by the idea of loving Jesus, because I, as a believer, am so good at being fake and wearing masks that hide my “ungodly” actions; or maybe you are intrigued by what Jesus has to offer, but wouldn’t dare step foot into my church because you know that I am going to judge you for being there because you don’t have “the right clothes” or you don’t “say the right things”. I am so so sorry for that. I am striving to do better.
The truth is, I am not any better than you. I claim responsibility for “prioritizing” sin, and thinking that somehow my sin is not “as great” as yours. Guess what? It is. I confess, I sin daily, and don’t always repent for it. Thank goodness for grace.

I want to share a little bit about who Jesus is and also who I am as a believer, not to try to convince you of anything. I’m sure you have been told many different viewpoints on who he is and have tried to be “persuaded” to agree and believe. I have no intentions of doing that. I just want you to see a better picture, coming from a believer in complete humility and honesty, and asking for grace and forgiveness as I share.

Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth knowing that He was going to die. He willingly came to sacrifice himself, so that I, as a believer could spend my life after death in a perfect place. So that when I messed up, I could receive mercy, grace, and forgiveness. While on earth, he hung out with prostitutes, homeless, alcoholics and people who were not accepted by “believers.” Never once did he care about what others thought and never once did he judge them. He loved unconditionally, spent his days helping people in need, and committed his life to others. He was (and still is) a son, friend, healer, comforter, teacher, and many other things. He never categorized others according to race, religion, financial status, or gender. He accepted them all and spent time teaching and encouraging anytime he was given the opportunity. There are so many incredible stories that tell of all that Jesus did.

This is me: I am a believer in Jesus. I have been honored to be called a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I strive for excellence in all that I do; an all or nothing kind of girl. I am stubborn and strong willed, and am learning to use those things to not cower from what I believe in. I try not to show emotion, but care so deeply about what others think of me. I try to speak positively about others, but also struggle with judging others.  I am a sinner, with real emotions and real struggles. I have good days and bad days. I have insecurities and mountains. I am a believer because I see who Jesus is, and I want to be like Him. I want to love without conditions and give all I have to help and encourage others. After life on earth, I want to know what it feels like to live in a place with no sickness, death, or sin. Today, I want to strive to be greater. Love more and hate less. Forgive without conditions. Spread joy, even in the midst of sorrow. Most importantly, show the world a glimpse of who Jesus is. 

Be Blessed,
