Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our Latest DIY Project!

Soo.... We have been keeping a secret here in Houston, but cannot hold it in any longer...

The baby is actually due January 1, 2015, but we didn't know that at this point.
Who knows, Baby Gonzo may arrive a little early for Christmas!!

Baby Gonzo at 6 weeks and 5 days

Baby Gonzo at 13 weeks!
Baby is doing somersaults in mommies belly!
(head at the bottom)

Profile of Baby G!

Measurements and a good view of the spine

3D image! These things have always weirded me out, but I am so in love!

We are so so excited and so in love already! Baby Gonzo is healthy, active, and stubborn already!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Birthday Bash/ Fry Day!!

My 22nd birthday was one for the books! What a fun past few days of celebration it has been. I have such lovely and sweet friends and family who have made me feel so special! Technically the celebrations started at the beginning of March when my in laws and parents came to visit, but my actual birthday (March 21) and the day to follow were also fabulous!

We went to the rodeo a few days before. I'd like to think it was part of my birthday celebration. :) My Houston friends had never been to a rodeo before moving to Texas, so it was fun to see their reactions to the different events. I have never been to a rodeo so big! I'm not sure that I like it; the crowds I mean. We did get to see Florida Georgia Line perform after the rodeo though, which I have mixed feelings about... Love the music, not so much the performance.

I worked on my actual birthday, but it really wasn't so bad. My sweet coworkers did a great job of making me feel special! They gave me balloons, flowers, and a fruit cake (because I'm the "healthy" one of the bunch). I also was able to leave early!

Daniel picked me up from work (we carpool) and took me to a delicious place called Berripop. It was a beautiful day outside so we sat outside and enjoyed the warm weather. He also took me out to eat for dinner and let me shop a little. :)

Daniel's gift to me this year was a shopping spree!! So me and a few of my friends went to the outlet malls near Galveston. We had SO much fun!! I bought my very first name brand purse (on SUPER sale)!

Jenny, myself, and Olivia
We had the whole gang over for Fry Day!! It was so so much fun! We fried any and everything you could imagine. Avocados, pickles, cookie dough, Oreo's, deer steak, chicken, bananas, mozzarella sticks and we would have done more, but everyone was full.

This morning I am feeling a little off. If you know me, you know I'm usually a pretty healthy eater and this goes against everything I stand for, BUT it was a fun experience and everyone enjoyed it. The guys hung out in the garage frying the whole time. We ended the night with a game of beginner Texas Hold'Em. I say beginner because a few of the people playing didn't know how to play (me). Haha!

I am so blessed by all the memories made in the past year and I pray for many new memories and adventures this year. Who knows what 22 will bring. I am excited to find out!


Sloan Family Visit/ Kitchen Remodel

My parents came to visit! It was their Spring Break, although it probably didn't feel like a break. My dad, being the hoss that he is, tiled our entire kitchen and bathroom (I helped a little) and built a wall to close in a doorway. Daniel and I both had to work so my parents were stuck at the house all day.
We enjoyed their company, as always. The kitchen was pretty much out of commission, so we really didn't get to cook for them. Our good friends Ben, Jenny, and Loah were so sweet to cook dinner for all of us one night. I was also happy that my parents were able to meet some of our Houston friends and taste a little bit of what our life in Houston is like (which is awesome).

I always forget to take pictures when they are here, so, sorry Mom and Dad, I don't have any real proof that you were here except the tile progress.

This is a picture that was on the listing when the house was for sale from the previous owners.

Daniel and I prepped the floors before my parents came. 
Boy was that hard work!

My advice to anyone who decides to remove laminate floors is this: Invest in a heavy duty floor scraper or two (electric if you have a lot to do) and use water to loosen the glue. I didn't realize water would remove glue until we were halfway finished.... One blister and two broken scrapers later, we were finished prepping!

This used to be a doorway. It really didn't serve any purpose and we were in need for extra counter and drawer space, so we made it into a prep/pass through counter. We are still in the process of getting new counter tops for the entire kitchen and are planning to paint the cabinets. 

Ok Dad, maybe I do have proof that you were here! :) It's incredible how nicer tile makes our kitchen look. We love it! Thanks Dad for all your hard work! 

For my Birthday, my parents also surprised me with a new Texas star for the front of our house and a new chandelier for our dining room. When I asked how she knew that I wanted both of those, my mom told me that she got the ideas from my blog. At least I know that someone reads them. ;)

     So we now officially have one room completely finished in the house and a lot of work still to go!!

~ Jessie

Reynolds Family Visit!

March has been an incredibly busy month, and I love it!

We started off the month with a fun visit from the Reynolds family. We enjoyed every minute of it. I miss living in the same town as them. We used to be able to have random last minute hang out nights throughout the week because they lived right down the street and we were all on the same work schedule, so we all knew when 8:30/9pm rolled round it was time to go. :)

We went to the zoo! I secretly have been waiting for so long to go to the Houston Zoo and finally had a valid excuse because my nephew was here.


 We loved having them here and loved getting to spend time with our nephew. He is growing up so fast! He is already walking and talking(ish) and he understands so much!

~ Jessie