My 22nd birthday was one for the books! What a fun past few days of celebration it has been. I have such lovely and sweet friends and family who have made me feel so special! Technically the celebrations started at the beginning of March when my in laws and parents came to visit, but my actual birthday (March 21) and the day to follow were also fabulous!
We went to the rodeo a few days before. I'd like to think it was part of my birthday celebration. :) My Houston friends had never been to a rodeo before moving to Texas, so it was fun to see their reactions to the different events. I have never been to a rodeo so big! I'm not sure that I like it; the crowds I mean. We did get to see Florida Georgia Line perform after the rodeo though, which I have mixed feelings about... Love the music, not so much the performance.
I worked on my actual birthday, but it really wasn't so bad. My sweet coworkers did a great job of making me feel special! They gave me balloons, flowers, and a fruit cake (because I'm the "healthy" one of the bunch). I also was able to leave early!
Daniel picked me up from work (we carpool) and took me to a delicious place called Berripop. It was a beautiful day outside so we sat outside and enjoyed the warm weather. He also took me out to eat for dinner and let me shop a little. :)
Daniel's gift to me this year was a shopping spree!! So me and a few of my friends went to the outlet malls near Galveston. We had SO much fun!! I bought my very first name brand purse (on SUPER sale)!
Jenny, myself, and Olivia |
We had the whole gang over for Fry Day!! It was so so much fun! We fried any and everything you could imagine. Avocados, pickles, cookie dough, Oreo's, deer steak, chicken, bananas, mozzarella sticks and we would have done more, but everyone was full.
This morning I am feeling a little off. If you know me, you know I'm usually a pretty healthy eater and this goes against everything I stand for, BUT it was a fun experience and everyone enjoyed it. The guys hung out in the garage frying the whole time. We ended the night with a game of beginner Texas Hold'Em. I say beginner because a few of the people playing didn't know how to play (me). Haha!
I am so blessed by all the memories made in the past year and I pray for many new memories and adventures this year. Who knows what 22 will bring. I am excited to find out!